Shraddha jain sai baba chalisa
Shraddha jain sai baba chalisa

shraddha jain sai baba chalisa shraddha jain sai baba chalisa

He would collect Dakshina (fees of renumeration) from them and sometimes immediately distribute it out to others in front of them. He imparted to His devotees the importance of being non attached to money. He said “ Were are all connected and no one goes anywhere, without one other.” The best form of all charity is providing of food to those in need. But what God gives us is eternal.” Daily, He would distribute money to the poor, and stressed on the importance of doing charity and good to others, especially those less fortunate. He said “ Lordship (riches) is transient. He taught the importance of being humble and egoless. He exclaimed “ Fear not! There are dark clouds but they will pass soon. At once, Sai Baba lifted up His Kafni (robe) and showed her the bubos (swellings) the size of eggs on His body. A worrying mother begged to Sai Baba to save her child who was suffering from the disease. There was a time when plague raged through the world and brought about death. Later on, it was from this very Dhuni that He consecrated and its ashes have and is still used very much effectively to treat the mental, physical and temporal ailments of His devotees.

shraddha jain sai baba chalisa

He suddenly thrust His Hands forth into the flames, and miraculously saved the child from falling. Sai Baba who was many miles away from the situation, was sitting in front of His Sacred Fire (Dhuni) that He always kept every burning even up until now. For a moment that she got distracted, she accidentally allowed her baby to slip towards the burning fire in front of her. Once a goldsmith’s wife was carrying her child in her arms. His physical body may be in one place, but He was capable of imparting knowledge, protecting and controlling situations beyond the seven seas. He is Omniscient (All Knowing), Omnipresent (is everywhere and sees everything ) and Omnipotent (All Powerful). Such strong experiences He gave to many, were so profound, they were permanently etched in the hearts of His devotees and they never forgot them. Sai Baba has an amazing and creative way of linking situations and showing people the solutions to their doubts by placing them in an analogy as to decipher the meaning of their questions. He would clearly guide His true devotees in the right direction towards attaining their goals and protect them from harms way. Sai Baba spoke in parables or phrases and was very precise and potent in His words. His main principles were based on the importance of having complete faith in God to bestow upon what is deemed necessary for oneself (Shraddha) and to practice patience (Saburi) in all aspects of life. He was well versed in the Quran and the Bhagavad Gita as well as other Sanskrit teachings such as Vishnu Shahastranam and Hanuman Chalisa. He did not object to either one practice provided the devotee stayed true to his path of religion that he originally abided by, and did not encourage them to convert. His nature was that above religions and practiced both Hindu and Muslim rituals. There are many theories postulating Shirdi Sai Babas early childhood and regards to whether He was Muslim or Hindu, however, He rarely gave importance to these matters.

shraddha jain sai baba chalisa

Shirdi Sai Baba early origins remain shrouded in mystery until now. Shirdi Sai Baba is a revered saint who is considered the Avatar,an actual reincarnation of God Himself present to us in a human body form.

Shraddha jain sai baba chalisa